Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The word longing by definition almost seems hopeless or disappointing by nature: a prolonged unfulfilled desire or need. Perhaps, for some it is; however, for me, it is the extreme is the hunger that drives me to press forward.

George Eliot once said, "It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them." In response to George, I have found in my life that the key is learning to balance what we hunger after and the lives we a thoroughly living in the present.  Learning not to miss opportunity to live while longing for something else. Sometimes, if we are not careful we will miss the very things we longed for while longing for something else.

It is my desire to share with those who are willing to read the journey of my hungers over the years, and what I have learned about true satisfaction.  I have come to realize that life truly is a journey and not a destination.  It is journey that is driven by longings that are fulfilled only by the One who places that very hunger in your soul. 

Hope you will join me as I continue to journey through this life story. 

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